Doom II RPG is the sequel to the brilliant RPG set in the Doom universe, which was first released in 2009 for Java-based mobile devices and a year later, in 2010, for iOS. It is a game that, like the first installment of the saga, has been unplayable on modern devices for years. Thanks to this PC port, however, this is no longer a problem.
Install the game in just a few seconds
Installing Doom II RPG is very easy. Simply unzip the compressed file content in any folder. Inside that same folder, you must insert the file "Doom 2 RPG.ipa" (with that exact name), which you can easily download from Internet Archive. And that's it. If the game executable fails or you experience performance issues, you may also need to install OpenAL, although you most likely already have it installed.
The perfect keyboard and mouse controls layout
Although the original game is played using a touch screen, this port has been perfectly adapted to be played with a keyboard and mouse. You can use the arrow keys to move forward and backward and turn, while you can move left and right with the A and D keys. To attack and talk to other characters, and access the inventory, you'll have to use the Enter and I keys, respectively. Keep in mind that you'll have to access the first aid kits and many other items from the inventory to use them.
A spectacular first-person RPG
Beyond the Doom license itself, which is certainly something to behold, Doom II RPG is an excellent sort of first-person dungeon crawler. The game perfectly combines moments of fast-paced action where you'll have to face tons of demons at the same time with the natural breaks and strategy typical of turn-based games. It is very important you learn how to manage your resources. The ammo, first aid kits and even credits that you find inside the corpses will allow you to reach the end of each area alive.
The Doom II RPG on PC, now a reality
Download Doom II RPG and discover one of the best and most unknown installments of the Doom franchise. This game and its unique personality stayed playable only on old mobile devices for years. But now, thanks to this port for Windows, it can be played on any PC. It is an outstanding game that will delight fans of the Doom saga and RPGs alike.
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